
Publisher Certification

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Publisher Training

Microsoft Publisher training helps individuals and organizations create professional, visual marketing materials. Get hands-on Microsoft Publisher training from Network Technology Academy to master the popular publishing platform and escalate your career.

Publisher Courses

Microsoft Publisher for Office 365 Microsoft Publisher 2016

About Microsoft Publisher

Microsoft Publisher empowers people and organizations to communicate creatively and effectively. Included with Office 365, Microsoft Publisher is one of the most popular desktop publishing applications. Microsoft Publisher enables businesses to do more with less. With Publisher, organizations can:
  • Create cohesive, professional publications
  • Save on graphic design costs
  • Gain more control over their brand and messaging
Microsoft Publisher’s well-designed tools make it easy to edit photos and add professional-looking effects to texts, pictures and shapes. Emphasizing page and layout design, Microsoft Publisher includes an extensive collection of templates to create professional marketing materials and publications easily. Plus, its streamlined interface makes formatting and publishing new assets a breeze. Microsoft Publisher also integrates with Microsoft Outlook to easily share publications in web or print and customize reports to monitor activity with business contacts. Ready to get more out of Microsoft Publisher? Discover Network Technology Academy Publisher training courses happening now.


Microsoft Publisher training at Network Technology Academy enables individuals and organizations to create a wide range of publications from flyers, posters and product catalogs to email newsletters, greeting cards and business cards. Taught by Microsoft-certified instructors, Publisher training covers everything from layout application and modifying text to using tables and objects to create engaging, professional publications — without advanced graphic design experience. Whether you’re new to Microsoft Publisher or want to brush up on the latest tips and tricks, Network Technology Academy has training courses to meet every need. Microsoft Publisher training at Network Technology Academy teaches you how to:
  • Create basic publications
  • Add content, format texts and paragraphs
  • Edit and formatting publications
  • Work with pictures and graphics
  • Prepare publications for printing and distribution
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